Printing Non-Latin Characters in the Grolier Club’s Collection

By Jamie Cumby, Librarian The Grolier Club Library has rotating exhibits of books from our collections in four small cases in the reading room. The following text and examples come from the current exhibit, “Printing Non-Latin Characters in the Grolier Club's Collection" installed on June 15th, 2024. The Library is always open to Grolier Club … Continue reading Printing Non-Latin Characters in the Grolier Club’s Collection

Ode to a Reference Collection

The rare book world has moved online since Covid-19 lockdowns began. Thankfully, a wealth of material and resource have rapidly gone digital in the past decade. Working from home, though, I’ve noticed myself still wishing I had access to the Grolier Club Library’s printed reference collection. Despite their continued usefulness to researchers, print resources have … Continue reading Ode to a Reference Collection

Jael and Judith: A Pair of Old Testament Heroines on a Sixteenth-century Panel-Stamped Binding

The Grolier Club Library’s copy of Conrad Gessner’s Bibliotheca Instituta et Collecta (Zürich: C. Froschauer, 1574), donated in December 2019 by Club member, Jim Periconi, features two powerful Biblical women on its contemporary pigskin binding. The upper cover is stamped with a panel depicting Jael and Sisera from the Book of Judges (81 x 46mm), … Continue reading Jael and Judith: A Pair of Old Testament Heroines on a Sixteenth-century Panel-Stamped Binding